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EdgePoint Monthly Income Portfolio

A collection of predominantly high-quality Canadian fixed income securities that provides a combination of income growth and capital appreciation.

Investment approach

To achieve its investment objective, the Portfolio Manager seeks to invest primarily in fixed income securities that provide a return through coupon payments, dividend payments, interest, and capital appreciation while focusing on the borrower’s (bond issuer’s) ability to meet its debt obligations, through the payment of periodic coupons and the return of the principal at maturity.

Learn more about our investment approach

Investment Team

Your investment team brings diverse investment experience, perspectives and skills to the table. They work together, take ownership of their investment ideas and tap into their past experiences where they fulfilled a variety of diverse mandates. Their team-based mindset also allows them the time and freedom to conduct the kind of extensive legwork required to really get to know a business inside and out.

Click below to find out more about the team's members.

Alex O'HaraAndrew PastorClaire ThornhillDerek SkomorowskiFrank Mullen, Geoff MacDonald, George Droulias, Jason Liu, Jeff Hyrich, Jinhyung Kwon, Lee Matheson, Steven Lo, Sydney Van Vierzen, Tracey Chen, Tye Bousada

Asset Allocation

As at January 1, 1970

Portfolio Information

As at January 1, 1970
Risk Profile Low
Nov 2, 2021
Start date
Canadian Fixed Income
Minimum investment
Total assets
Number of issuers

Risk profile - Based on the Canadian Securities Associationʼs mutual fund risk
classification methodology.

EdgePoint of View

Sector breakdown: Provided only because the industry feels it helps explain portfolio diversification and risk. We believe risk is best managed by diversifying by business idea rather than using traditional sector allocations.

Risk profile: Risk is typically defined as standard deviation or volatility compared to an index. While we follow this methodology due to regulatory requirements and classify the Portfolio risk as moderate, we view real risk as the potential for a permanent loss of capital. By this measure, we believe portfolio risk is further reduced.

Taxes: Outside of the management fee, taxes are the biggest component of the Portfolio’s management expense ratio (MER).

Low-cost operation: With a focused product offering and no expensive marketing campaigns, we’re able to pass on savings to our investors through lower MERs, ultimately resulting in higher investment returns.

Portfolio: We use “portfolio” rather than “fund” because we believe this better represents the diversification our products offer.

Alignment: EdgePoint employees are among our largest investors.