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Picture of Teddy  Murzydlo
Teddy Murzydlo

Although financial technology seems like it's advanced at a high-frequency trader's pace, EdgePoint's IT guy Teddy has adapted just as quickly over his almost two decades in the business. He enjoyed the opportunity to learn new systems and software while considering the occasional blue screens and "files not found" to be just another challenge to overcome. Teddy began his career as a business analyst at Invesco Trimark (where he "networked" with several of his current coworkers). He moved onto the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) before rejoining Invesco Trimark. Teddy received his Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science from York University. He takes the benefit of long-term thinking to heart as he and his family spend time each summer in Florida searching for the perfect retirement spot so he'll be ready when the day comes. Selfishly his coworkers hope that day is far away as we love the reminder that the weekend is almost here thanks for his commitment to "Hawaiian shirt Fridays".

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