Launching a new company usually means having to make tough decisions. But as she often does, Diane made things easy for Tye, Geoff and Pat when it came to choosing someone to head the Operations team. Her “can do” attitude, seemingly endless positive energy and the now-more-than three decades of experience with almost every facet of operations made Diane the obvious pick.
From the start, she’s had a focus for finding improvements and efficiencies to help things run smoother. Her wisdom, “roll up your sleeves” approach and quest to always be better keeps everyone on their toes. This holds true outside of the office as Diane often offers lifts home to partners who live nearby. But there’s a price as her productive nature turns the ride into a status update on current projects and other things on your “to do” list. It’s not all business though! Diane takes the time to enjoy life – whether it’s a glass or two of prosecco with friends and family or being up for a travel adventure at a moment’s notice!
Before joining EdgePoint, Diane started her operations journey at Invesco Ltd. (previously Trimark). She was at the company for 14 years, serving as assistant vice president of operations and was instrumental in establishing its back-office administration team. Diane then continued to make an impact when she joined Burgundy Asset Management as head of client administration, transforming operations and cultivating a culture focused on providing superior service.
Speaking of trips, here are some of Diane’s favourite travel destinations:
Italy (all of it) – History, wine, landscapes, great food everywhere. It has it all! While driving through Italy, you can enjoy amazing pasta for 10€ from Autogrill (a chain that’s the country’s version of a North American truck stop).
Denmark (Copenhagen) – Everyone’s happy there. Tivoli Gardens, their version of Disneyland, is a must-see and CopenHill, the world's cleanest waste-to-energy plant that also doubles as a ski hill. Who knew open-faced sandwiches (smørrebrød) were so delicious?
Czech Republic (Prague) – A combination of rich history with a medieval feel. You can hear live music everywhere and it’s only a 4-hour train ride from Vienna!
Thailand (Phuket) – The friendliest and most peaceful people you’ll ever come across, along with the finest white beaches.
Bonus – the book that changed Diane’s life:
This book got me to EdgePoint. It will change your thoughts on the laws of attraction and can help you manifest what you want.