我们将任何 EdgePoint 投资组合的最低初始投资要求设定为 20,000 加元 (客户名称锁定账户为 30,000 加元),以保持成本低位。后续投资额度必须至少为每项投资组合 1,000 加元。对于预授权的支票计划,如果已作 20,000 加元的初始投资,我们接受每项投资组合 150 加元的最低限额。我们的投资组合只采用加元。
销售收费选项 | 基金编号 | 2管理费 | 3管理费用比率 | 4TER |
6FE | EDG100 | 1.80% | 2.09% | 0.06% |
FE | EDG1001 | 1.80% | 1.93% | 0.06% |
FE | EDG1006 | 1.80% | 2.05% | 0.06% |
FE | EDG10061 | 1.80% | 1.99% | 0.06% |
10NL | EDG500/600 | 0.80% | 0.97% | 0.06% |
NL | EDG5001/6001 | 0.80% | 0.89% | 0.06% |
NL | EDG5006/EDG6006 | 0.80% | 0.94% | 0.06% |
NL | EDG50061/EDG60061 | 0.80% | 0.91% | 0.06% |
- 1
EdgePoint offers different Series for our Portfolios to meet client-specific needs. All Series are subject to the “Minimum investments” amount defined in the Simplified prospectus.2管理费:
管理费用 (MER) 是您为拥有共同基金而支付的费用。此费用是EdgePoint和您的财务顾问提供一系列服务而获得的报酬,包括相关的经营开支和税项。此费用不会直接向您收取,而是从您的投资收益中扣除。
截止至2023年 12月 31 日4交易费用:
交易费用 (TER) 指投资组合产生的交易费用。这些费用不包括在管理费用中,但仍然由投资者承担,并会导致收益减少。拥有基金的总费用等于管理费用加上交易费用。
截止至2023年 12月 31 日5Series A:
Series A is available to all retail investors on a front-end sales charge basis. EdgePoint pays trailing commissions to your financial advisor’s dealer.6FE = Front end:
这是在购买时向您的财务顾问支付, 并从您的购买金额中扣除的0%-5%的协定销售费用。7Non-HST系列仅适用于non-HST参与省份的投资者.
8Series T6:
Series T6 are available to investors who wish to receive a regular monthly cash flow for each of the A, A(N), F and F(N) series.9Series F:
Series F is available to investors in a fee-based/advisory fee arrangement. EdgePoint doesn’t pay any trailing commissions to dealers.
For fee-based series codes starting with “5”, you pay an amount to your financial advisor’s dealer firm directly, as specified in your fee-for-service arrangement with them. For fee-based series codes starting with a “6”, the fee is collected by EdgePoint and paid directly to your financial advisor’s dealer through quarterly client account redemption of units.10NL = No load:
F 系列不收取销售费用
高净值客户投资金额20,000 加元起。 请了解更多我们对所有投资者收取低费用的承诺。
销售收费选项 | 基金编号 | 2管理费 | 3管理费用比率 | 4TER |
6FE | EDG180 | 1.70% | 1.99% | 0.04% |
FE | EDG1801 | 1.70% | 1.84% | 0.04% |
FE | EDG1804 | 1.70% | 1.99% | 0.04% |
FE | EDG18041 | 1.70% | 1.85% | 0.04% |
10NL | EDG580/680 | 0.70% | 0.84% | 0.04% |
NL | EDG5801/6801 | 0.70% | 0.78% | 0.04% |
NL | EDG5804/EDG6804 | 0.70% | 0.85% | 0.04% |
NL | EDG58041/EDG68041 | 0.70% | 0.79% | 0.04% |
- 1
EdgePoint offers different Series for our Portfolios to meet client-specific needs. All Series are subject to the “Minimum investments” amount defined in the Simplified prospectus.2管理费:
管理费用 (MER) 是您为拥有共同基金而支付的费用。此费用是EdgePoint和您的财务顾问提供一系列服务而获得的报酬,包括相关的经营开支和税项。此费用不会直接向您收取,而是从您的投资收益中扣除。
截止至2023年 12月 31 日4交易费用:
交易费用 (TER) 指投资组合产生的交易费用。这些费用不包括在管理费用中,但仍然由投资者承担,并会导致收益减少。拥有基金的总费用等于管理费用加上交易费用。
截止至2023年 12月 31 日5Series A:
Series A is available to all retail investors on a front-end sales charge basis. EdgePoint pays trailing commissions to your financial advisor’s dealer.6FE = Front end:
这是在购买时向您的财务顾问支付, 并从您的购买金额中扣除的0%-5%的协定销售费用。7Non-HST系列仅适用于non-HST参与省份的投资者.
8Series T4:
Series T4 are available to investors who wish to receive a regular monthly cash flow for each of the A, A(N), F and F(N) series.9Series F:
Series F is available to investors in a fee-based/advisory fee arrangement. EdgePoint doesn’t pay any trailing commissions to dealers.
For fee-based series codes starting with “5”, you pay an amount to your financial advisor’s dealer firm directly, as specified in your fee-for-service arrangement with them. For fee-based series codes starting with a “6”, the fee is collected by EdgePoint and paid directly to your financial advisor’s dealer through quarterly client account redemption of units.10NL = No load:
F 系列不收取销售费用
高净值客户投资金额20,000 加元起。 请了解更多我们对所有投资者收取低费用的承诺。
销售收费选项 | 基金编号 | 2管理费 | 3管理费用比率 | 4TER |
6FE | EDG108 | 1.80% | 2.10% | 0.07% |
FE | EDG1081 | 1.80% | 1.93% | 0.07% |
FE | EDG1086 | 1.80% | 2.05% | 0.07% |
FE | EDG10861 | 1.80% | 2.02% | 0.07% |
10NL | EDG508/608 | 0.80% | 0.97% | 0.07% |
NL | EDG5081/6081 | 0.80% | 0.89% | 0.07% |
NL | EDG5086/EDG6086 | 0.80% | 0.94% | 0.07% |
NL | EDG50861/EDG60861 | 0.80% | 0.94% | 0.07% |
- 1
EdgePoint offers different Series for our Portfolios to meet client-specific needs. All Series are subject to the “Minimum investments” amount defined in the Simplified prospectus.2管理费:
管理费用 (MER) 是您为拥有共同基金而支付的费用。此费用是EdgePoint和您的财务顾问提供一系列服务而获得的报酬,包括相关的经营开支和税项。此费用不会直接向您收取,而是从您的投资收益中扣除。
截止至2023年 12月 31 日4交易费用:
交易费用 (TER) 指投资组合产生的交易费用。这些费用不包括在管理费用中,但仍然由投资者承担,并会导致收益减少。拥有基金的总费用等于管理费用加上交易费用。
截止至2023年 12月 31 日5Series A:
Series A is available to all retail investors on a front-end sales charge basis. EdgePoint pays trailing commissions to your financial advisor’s dealer.6FE = Front end:
这是在购买时向您的财务顾问支付, 并从您的购买金额中扣除的0%-5%的协定销售费用。7Non-HST系列仅适用于non-HST参与省份的投资者.
8Series T6:
Series T6 are available to investors who wish to receive a regular monthly cash flow for each of the A, A(N), F and F(N) series.9Series F:
Series F is available to investors in a fee-based/advisory fee arrangement. EdgePoint doesn’t pay any trailing commissions to dealers.
For fee-based series codes starting with “5”, you pay an amount to your financial advisor’s dealer firm directly, as specified in your fee-for-service arrangement with them. For fee-based series codes starting with a “6”, the fee is collected by EdgePoint and paid directly to your financial advisor’s dealer through quarterly client account redemption of units.10NL = No load:
F 系列不收取销售费用
高净值客户投资金额20,000 加元起。 请了解更多我们对所有投资者收取低费用的承诺。
销售收费选项 | 基金编号 | 2管理费 | 3管理费用比率 | 4TER |
6FE | EDG188 | 1.70% | 1.99% | 0.04% |
FE | EDG1881 | 1.70% | 1.83% | 0.04% |
FE | EDG1884 | 1.70% | 1.99% | 0.04% |
FE | EDG18841 | 1.70% | 1.90% | 0.04% |
10NL | EDG588/688 | 0.70% | 0.85% | 0.04% |
NL | EDG5881/6881 | 0.70% | 0.78% | 0.04% |
NL | EDG5884/EDG6884 | 0.70% | 0.87% | 0.04% |
NL | EDG58841/EDG68841 | 0.70% | 0.80% | 0.04% |
- 1
EdgePoint offers different Series for our Portfolios to meet client-specific needs. All Series are subject to the “Minimum investments” amount defined in the Simplified prospectus.2管理费:
管理费用 (MER) 是您为拥有共同基金而支付的费用。此费用是EdgePoint和您的财务顾问提供一系列服务而获得的报酬,包括相关的经营开支和税项。此费用不会直接向您收取,而是从您的投资收益中扣除。
截止至2023年 12月 31 日4交易费用:
交易费用 (TER) 指投资组合产生的交易费用。这些费用不包括在管理费用中,但仍然由投资者承担,并会导致收益减少。拥有基金的总费用等于管理费用加上交易费用。
截止至2023年 12月 31 日5Series A:
Series A is available to all retail investors on a front-end sales charge basis. EdgePoint pays trailing commissions to your financial advisor’s dealer.6FE = Front end:
这是在购买时向您的财务顾问支付, 并从您的购买金额中扣除的0%-5%的协定销售费用。7Non-HST系列仅适用于non-HST参与省份的投资者.
8Series T4:
Series T4 are available to investors who wish to receive a regular monthly cash flow for each of the A, A(N), F and F(N) series.9Series F:
Series F is available to investors in a fee-based/advisory fee arrangement. EdgePoint doesn’t pay any trailing commissions to dealers.
For fee-based series codes starting with “5”, you pay an amount to your financial advisor’s dealer firm directly, as specified in your fee-for-service arrangement with them. For fee-based series codes starting with a “6”, the fee is collected by EdgePoint and paid directly to your financial advisor’s dealer through quarterly client account redemption of units.10NL = No load:
F 系列不收取销售费用
高净值客户投资金额20,000 加元起。 请了解更多我们对所有投资者收取低费用的承诺。
销售收费选项 | 基金编号 | 2管理费 | 运营费用 | 3管理费用比率 |
5FE | EDG118 | 0.70% | 0.06% | 0.86% |
FE | EDG1181 | 0.70% | 0.06% | 0.80% |
8NL | EDG518/618 | 0.10% | 0.06% | 0.18% |
NL | EDG5181/6181 | 0.10% | 0.05% | 0.16% |
- 1
EdgePoint offers different Series for our Portfolios to meet client-specific needs. All Series are subject to the “Minimum investments” amount defined in the Simplified prospectus.2管理费:
管理费用 (MER) 是您为拥有共同基金而支付的费用。此费用是EdgePoint和您的财务顾问提供一系列服务而获得的报酬,包括相关的经营开支和税项。此费用不会直接向您收取,而是从您的投资收益中扣除。
截止至2023年 12月 31 日4Series A:
Series A is available to all retail investors on a front-end sales charge basis. EdgePoint pays trailing commissions to your financial advisor’s dealer.5FE = Front end:
这是在购买时向您的财务顾问支付, 并从您的购买金额中扣除的0%-5%的协定销售费用。6Non-HST系列仅适用于non-HST参与省份的投资者.
7Series F:
Series F is available to investors in a fee-based/advisory fee arrangement. EdgePoint doesn’t pay any trailing commissions to dealers.
For fee-based series codes starting with “5”, you pay an amount to your financial advisor’s dealer firm directly, as specified in your fee-for-service arrangement with them. For fee-based series codes starting with a “6”, the fee is collected by EdgePoint and paid directly to your financial advisor’s dealer through quarterly client account redemption of units.8NL = No load:
F 系列不收取销售费用
高净值客户投资金额20,000 加元起。 请了解更多我们对所有投资者收取低费用的承诺。
费用等级 | 参考收益率* (%) FTSE Canada Universe Bond Index | 管理费 - 系列 F/F(N) | 管理费 - 系列 A/A(N) |
我们运用长期投资收益指数衡量基金管理。证券持有量、信用质量、发行种类和收益率的内在差异可能会影响与该指数的固定收益可比性。管理费减免适用于连续投资 EdgePoint 投资组合 10 年或更长时间且目前投资于合格投资组合系列的投资者。请阅读我们的 10 年合作伙伴计划以了解更多信息。符合条件的投资组合包括 EdgePoint 加拿大投资组合、EdgePoint 加拿大成长和收入投资组合、EdgePoint 全球投资组合、EdgePoint 全球成长和收入投资组合以及 EdgePoint 月收益投资组合。资格系列包括 A、A(N)、F 和 F(N),以及它们各自的 T4/T6 系列。